Email your MP

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Compose your email

Email Tips +

  1. Briefly introduce yourself, including your name and where you live (so your elected representative knows you live in the area they are responsible for). You might like to also briefly say a little about who you are e.g. a young person, a person of faith, a local community group member, a teacher, a parent, a bushwalker.
  2. Explain your concern—identify clearly the issue that you wish to address. Remember, MPs and Senators have to be informed about a lot of issues. So be clear on what you are talking about! Then explain why you are concerned about or interested in this issue.
  3. Ask your elected representative to take action. Tell them clearly and respectfully what you would like them to slash climate pollution. This could be to stop spending public money on fossil fuels, rule out new coal and gas projects and infrastructue, replace existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry.
  4. Thank them and sign off