Contact your MP: State of the Environment report

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Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • Be personal: Your MP is there in Parliament to represent the people in your electorate. So share  abit about yourself, as one of the people they represent  – your name, where you live, and why you care about ensuring that nature thrives. 
  • Be clear: Help your MP to understand exactly what you would like them to do – ask your MP to publicly support solutions to the nature crisis, including:

    • Creating strong environment laws that actually protect nature and an independent regulator to enforce them 

    • Funding the recovery of Australia’s threatened species and the restoration of our degraded  ecosystems 

    • Slashing climate pollution by more than half this decade and supporting nature as a climate solution

  • Be polite and respectful: You want to remind your MP to act on your behalf, so it's best to communicate respectfully.

  • Be concise: MPs and their offcie staff have to wade through a lot of communciations! Making your email short and sweet (3-4 paragraphs) is a great way to make your message stand out.