Help Indigenous rangers protect our north

Help Indigenous rangers protect our north

From the Kimberley to Cape York, Indigenous rangers work day-in, day-out to protect the tropical rainforests, ancient savanna and unique wildlife of Australia.

With traditional knowledge including fire management and the control of feral animal and noxious weeds, Indigenous rangers keep Australia’s delicate ecosystems thriving.

The Indigenous Ranger Program is the unsung success story of the beautiful north, but there’s a problem. There’s a lot of work to do but not enough rangers. And for those Indigenous rangers working, they don't know if they'll have a job beyond a few years.

You can help. Write ...

From the Kimberley to Cape York, Indigenous rangers work day-in, day-out to protect the tropical rainforests, ancient savanna and unique wildlife of Australia.

With traditional knowledge including fire management and the control of feral animal and noxious weeds, Indigenous rangers keep Australia’s delicate ecosystems thriving.

The Indigenous Ranger Program is the unsung success story of the beautiful north, but there’s a problem. There’s a lot of work to do but not enough rangers. And for those Indigenous rangers working, they don't know if they'll have a job beyond a few years.

You can help. Write a submission to the Treasurer Scott Morrison by the 5th February 2016 and ask him to commit to the future of Indigenous rangers by doubling the budget to:  

  • Double the number of Indigenous rangers over the next four years
  • Commit to a ten-year funding plan

This is a small ask in the budget, but it will have a big impact on communities. Normally this sort of funding doesn’t get much attention. That’s why your voice now, with thousands of others from the ACF community, can give it the spotlight it deserves.

The Indigenous Ranger Program shows there are opportunities for remote Aboriginal communities that allow them – and country – to thrive.


(image Kerry Trapnell)


Help Indigenous rangers protect our north

With government funding and support in this year’s Federal Budget, Indigenous rangers can continue to keep Australia’s remote national parks healthy for generations to come.


Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

Our leaders take more notice when you write a personal message and subject line. Here are some tips to give you a hand.

  • Keep your message short and  punchy.
  • Write a clear subject line that describes what your email is about. 
  • In the email, tell them in a couple of simple lines why you want them to support Indigenous rangers.
  • Be polite – it's always best to get the message across in a friendly way. People are much more likely to listen to you if you're polite and reasonable.